As of 06:00 GMT, 13 May 2009, 33 countries have officially reported 5728 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection
The goal of this initiative is to share data and information regarding the H1N1 flu out-break(also known as Influenza A or swine flu). This flu is a current event since April, 2009. We are dedicated to provide you a better view on current situation and trend by charting cases in United States and the world everyday.
1 comment:
Be awear there is a difference between the updated world confirmed cases amount of the chart by the blog host and the comments by me. This is caused by timing difference.
At my working time, in Australia, when the WHO has given its figure for the world for 14/May , the figure of updated by CDC for US is still for 13/May; while for the host he can see the two figures for the same day, say 13/May, at the same time (his working time).
In this case, readers will see bigger figures for the world confirmed cases from the comments than the charts. This will not be a problem, just think you are reading the growth rate/trends for today's US situation and for tomorrow's world situation.
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