10 May 2009 -- As of 07:30 GMT, 10 May 2009, 29 countries have officially reported 4379 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection..
The goal of this initiative is to share data and information regarding the H1N1 flu out-break(also known as Influenza A or swine flu). This flu is a current event since April, 2009. We are dedicated to provide you a better view on current situation and trend by charting cases in United States and the world everyday.
1 comment:
From this chart is can be seen that the the early infected countries, especially Mexico and Canada is experiencing an relatively acceptable growth rate but the swine flu in US and other countries has been found spreading quickly.
This is a sign that the desease is worldwidely spreading/extending rather than just staying in those "old" areas. It might be expected thatin the coming days more confirmed cases would be reported in those innocent countries/areas.
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