Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Swine vs. SARS? (as of May 13)


Unknown said...

This chart, a week later than the first one, again confirmed the point that influenza A H1N1 is not that severe to cause death, compared with SARS. The death rate for US declined from 0.22% to 0.09% and the rate for Canada slightly increased from 17% to 17.53%.
This is not a bad news for people to know that the worst result by being infected by the desease is not likely to happpen to most confirmed cases and on some level controlable. But as well, is this a signal that the situation for colder areas(Canada) tends to be worse than warmer areas(US)?
Closer attention will be paid to this issue by this blog.

Anonymous said...

Bo, I like your comments. But I think you misread the fatality in Canada. It is for SARS rather than swine.

Unknown said...

Thanks man, you are totally right. It was from the SARS, not swine flu. I appologize for the mistake.
Thank you very much!