Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Earliest 3 States Trend (May 13) (United States)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As the comments here are just trying to show some objective outcomes from the analysis of each day's virus reports and give some trend ideas through additional calculations, venturing a guess is far beyond the main job of the comments. However, for every day's updated chart of the earliest 3 states, the "peak" of California on 10/May can be always annoying and misleading for readers, although it has been proved that CDC did report the number as 282.
In this case, a typing mistake by CDC on 10/May could be likely estimated. Based on the number of the closeat days (171 on 09/May and 191 on 11/May) and the slow growth rate for the other two states (NY and Taxas)in those days, a guess is made here that the real number for 10/May might have been 182, instead of 282. --- This is merely a personal guess which is actually beyond my proposed job. But this guess truly makes more sense for people to understand the abnormal signal (of California on 10/May) within the charts (maybe not only the charts in this blog, but all the available charts/trends/analysis in the world presented by now).
Hope this small guess did not bother you. And hope this small huess may be of some help to you.